28 February 2011

Our Aussie visit - Christmas, Birthdays, Babies, a Farewell and our strong Queenslanders...

Hmmm...a great day/evening had by all! Special friends, family and a fabulous setting at Clontarf Beach.

Our eldest grandson Zy, his first sleep over with us. Of course blu, blu had to come too!

Our youngest grandson Joel, his fun bath time with Gran-d

Pete's annual family get-together, whilst we are in Aussie land

Bell (family pet) had 6 female puppies.. and our daughter Britt is having her first bub, thank goodness only 1!!

Pauline's Birthday party (my younger sister), and the wild one of the family!

Christmas Concert with the Mann family (my brother's family), and their 8 children in toe! Who is counting?

The Parents of the 8 children finally getting a feed on Christmas Day, and Pete going for seconds, before it all goes!

Our grandson Joel's first drum kit. With a musical family, this is just the beginning.... Zy's first Ben 10 bike and a ride with Dad. Mum & brother Joel in toe.

And there is more..a Guess Who game for Zy, and an Elmo backpack for Dad! what the?????

Their parents enjoying the finale.....It is always an experience back in the land of OZ.

We would also like to take this opportunity to say that the devestation and heartache caused by the massive flooding in Queensland will remain in our thoughts and prayers always.....

A bientôt Peter et Donna