14 August 2013

Festival de peinture et de sculpture à Saint-Loup

The stunning village of Saint-Loup which is 8 kms from here, hosts a Painting and Sculpture Festival each year at the end of June. Such talent!
These figures are made out of timber

Our French Summer of 2013

It was a long time coming, however we have had such beautiful weather the past months. The days are warm and inviting and the evenings are cool and refreshing.

21 June 2013

Summer 2013 has finally sprung. Bring on the sun!

The front courtyard


Our guard dog!


Facing north


These babies just came out of the hole in the besser bricks from where they were born

Looking down the garden towards the river with the boules and basket courts on the left. The pool area is down by the river.

Looking up the garden from the private river frontage

This papillon just emerged out of it's cocoon. It is one of the largest butterflys in France

The rock garden near the BBQ area

The old bike. We have 4 newer ones here for you to ride

29 April 2013

Tilburg & 's-Hertogenbosh (Den Bosch), Holland

One of the great advantages of living and/or travelling throughout Europe is the ability to visit so many countries due to the close proximity of the boarders and the various affordable travel choices of getting there. We are currently in Holland at Etten-Leur, enjoying a short holiday break.

The Cathedral in Tilburg

Venice of the North: canals underneath the houses & churches
Sint Jan, Den Bosch

05 April 2013

Chasse aux oeufs (Egg hunt) au Château-jonc la roche faton

 Every year on Easter Monday, the owner of this magnificent 15th Century Château opens up the grounds for the children to experience the joy of an Easter Egg Hunt. Château-jonc la roche faton is just a 4 mins drive up the road from ''au pont" and a great scenic bike ride or walk if your prefer the exercise to burn off the chocolate and wine calories!

The Château grounds

Oh yes! found just a couple of eggs....

The exterior of the Château

Inside the Château courtyard

Mulled wine (vin chaud) and it was absolutely delicious!
Moi, volunteering to work on the day. Pete had been there all day setting up and preparing for the event. We are both on the Comité des Fêtes (the commite that organises the functions in Gourgé). It is a great way to immerse ourselves into the French way of life.

Even us adults took part in the fun